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Corentin and Gotilas score 77.5% at CDI5* Fontainebleau

Corentin and Gotilas score 77.5% at CDI5* Fontainebleau

Personal records broken for Corentin and Gotilas in Fontainebleau


Last weekend, Corentin and Gotilas competed in the first edition of the CDI5* during the Printemps des Sports Équestres organized by GL Events at the Grand Parquet in Fontainebleau.


Ranked fifth in the Grand Prix with 72.5% and in the Freestyle with 77.5%, this couple achieved the best French performance of the weekend and broke two personal records in the process. They surpassed their personal best scores from CDIW Basel and CDI5* Doha.


Next weekend, we will see them competing in the CDIO5* Nations Cup in Compiègne.