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Choose Pamfou Dressage to offer your horse for sale.

The first step is to create your account

Please share all the informations concerning your dressage horse for sale with our team. Send us all relevant items and we will reach out to you if we are able to help. We would be happy to promote your horse !

Selling a horse with Pamfou Dressage, How does it work?

1. Describe your horse in detail

1. Describe your horse in detail

Describe to us the criteria for your horse and its sales conditions

2. Ask us your questions

2. Ask us your questions

We exchange with you to refine your needs when creating your ad

3. Submit a complete file

3. Submit a complete file

We help you highlight the best information for the sale of your horse (photos, videos, etc.).

4. Enjoy full support

4. Enjoy full support

Entrust us with the final formalities: negotiations, pre purchase exam, contract drafting, transport coordination...

A team of experts

We oversee the cooperation of riders, trainers, vets, shipping companies, sanitary services to make sure every aspect of the sale goes smoothly.

International network

The perfect horse might hide away from mainstream sales structures. We rely on tight connexions to reveal those special horses.

Premium services

Full assistance from selecting a suitable horse to having him safely delivered at your stable. Our team also provides « after sales » training.

Transparency as a guideline

Choose your horse knowingly and you’ll end up being happy ! It’s not about finding a flawless horse, that does not exist. It’s about embracing his flaws.